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In modern society garlic (Allium sativum) is believed to prevent heart attacks, blood clots, lower cholesterol, blood pressure, blood sugar levels, reducing the gastric ulcer, detoxifying, killer bacteria / fungi / parasites, binding free radicals, and more the other. Is it true that everyday cooking can cure cancer, too?

Various studies have indeed demonstrated the ability of garlic in preventing and treating cancer, especially those caused by hazardous chemicals, such as prostate cancer, stomach, colorectal (colon and rectum), breast, liver, skin, and lungs.

Active substances in garlic, including vitamin A, B, C, calcium, potassium, iron, carotene, and selenium. The most dominant in the fight against cancer is allyl sulfur components such as diallyl sulfide, diallyl disulfide, diallyl trisulfide, S-allyl cysteine, S-allylmercaptocysteine, allicin, and ajoene. These substances prevent the formation and activation of nitrosamines in the body, also blocked aflatoxin, azoxymethane, benzo (a) pyrene, etc., all of which are carcinogens (cause cancer).

In the next phase of these components may prevent mutation of the gene, inhibits proliferation (growth / division) of cancer cells, repairing damaged DNA structures, even stimulate cancer cells to commit suicide (apoptosis).

On the other side of garlic also act as antioxidants, remove toxins from the body, and kill the bacteria Helicobacter pylori that can trigger a variety of stomach cancer.

How to Consume:

Surely the work of active substances of garlic it depends on many things, such as the land where it grows garlic (effect on the levels of the active substances of garlic), the composition of other nutrients consumed along with it, also how to prepare and consume onion white itself. Combination with selenium, certain fatty acids (eg linoleic acid), and vitamin A, can enhance the ability of garlic to inhibit proliferation and increase apoptosis.

But be aware that garlic processing can turn off the power of work that anticancer substances. One minute it is processed in the microwave, it's gone as anticancer properties of garlic. So also when heated in the cooking process other. So what? Should it be swallowed garlic raw?

Apparently simple. Mash garlic then let stand for 15 minutes before cooking (used as a spice in cooking). Within 15 minutes it happened chemical reactions that activate class of anticancer agents on the allyl sulfur, which is not damaged even if cooked. But if cooked immediately after crushed, the chemical reaction that did not happen, automatic anti-cancer properties is lost.

If you want, garlic also may be consumed raw. But still it must be destroyed once and left for 15 minutes. So what if the onions will be presented intact, such as in pickles? Simply peel and cut some corners. Not bad, still have anticancer properties, though not as good as if destroyed.

Potential Hazards:

Not at all easy, use garlic for the prevention and treatment of cancer? The price is cheap and easily available as well. Be warned, however, does not mean that garlic may be consumed recklessly. Do not think that the more garlic consumed the better the result.

The recommended dose for the consumption of garlic is fresh garlic 4-5 grams / day (about 1-2 cloves). If too much, besides causing the odor on the breath and skin, sometimes causing allergies, digestive disorders (vomiting, diarrhea, irritability, excessive gas production), bronchial asthma, dermatitis, reduced levels of protein and calcium in the blood, also reduces sperm production.

Too much garlic increases the risk of bleeding because of its ability to prevent blood clots. Therefore, in patients who want or have recently undergone surgery, garlic consumption should be limited.

Garlic also improve the working enzymes in the liver to remove toxins from the body. In healthy people this ability is very useful, but be careful, he can also dispose of medications that you swallow and chemotherapeutic drugs. Your treatment becomes futile, is not it? Therefore, if you want to increase the consumption of garlic supplements or using the product, consult with your doctor.

2 komentar

  1. Anonymous Says:
  2. Other benefits of garlic for health is to maintain cardiovascular health. Garlic contains phytochemicals (or phytonutrients) and allicin, which can lower blood pressure by 30 points, and be able to prevent a stroke by blocking the onset of cardiovascular plaque on the artery by 12 percent.

  3. Thanks for your information, hope the readers know more about the garlic benefits.


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