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Not just for women, for men, excess weight can snatch confidence and give a feeling of discomfort, in addition to the risk of disease.
The ideal weight is basically achieved by reducing calorie intake rather than spent. However, in addition, there are tips you can try to trim from around the world below.

1. Thailand 

Thai cuisine is considered the most spicy foods though local food in the country is actually no less. Capcaisin in chili peppers are known to increase metabolism. However, the main advantage of spicy food is making us eat more slowly. Thus, the body will more quickly send satiety signals to the brain.

2. English 

One strategy taken by UK residents is to reduce portion sizes. Therefore, if you happen to be in fast food restaurants in the country, not the waiter asks if you order french fries in a large or small portions.

3. Brazil 

Brazilian people stay slim because they like the traditional diet of rice cooked with red beans. The study in the journal Obesity Research found that the food is not only low in fat, but also high in fiber.

4. Poland 

The majority of Polish people only spend 5 percent of their budget on eating out. In addition to healthier, eat together at home is also beneficial to enhance the bond between families.

5. German 

According to the survey, 75 percent of Germans breakfast at home every day. Breakfast menu usually consists of cereal or bread Cereal intact. Breakfast habits not only make diasup calories less during the day, but it also helps concentration.

6. Netherlands 

The number of bicycles in the Netherlands there are 18 million, exceeding the population that only 16.5 million. However, unlike people in other countries that occasional bicycling, 54 percent of Dutch people make cycling as part of the routine, for example, for the office or shopping. The average Dutch person taking Ruti 541 miles every year.

7. India 

Yoga is considered as an exercise to relieve stress and increase flexibility and strength. In fact, people who practice yoga usually has a lower weight than people who do not exercise. Yoga is also beneficial to increase metabolism and self-awareness, including full attention to what we eat.

8. Japan 

Although famous for its busy life of its citizens a high, but they always set aside time for a 20-30 minute nap. Sleep is known to be useful enough to suppress the hunger hormone, namely leptin. Less and less hours of sleep you are, the higher the level of leptin and ghrelin.

9. Mexico 

Mexicans generally eat large meals during the day, namely at 14.00 until 16.00 hours, and reduce the size of the meal in the evening.

10. France 

According to the survey, 92 percent of families in France eating together with family every day. Lunch time is the time to communicate. Therefore, they also fill out the meal with conversation. This strategy turned out to be an effect on food diasup. In other words, as more talk, they eat less.


Smiling is one of the easiest ways to reduce stress and add friends. But apparently there are 10 other benefits of a smile to one's health.

As we all know it takes less facial muscles to make someone smile than frown. Some experts claim it takes 43 muscles to frown and only 17 muscles to smile. But some others say it takes 62 muscles to frown and only 26 muscles to smile.

Additionally smile can also improve one's health and make life more enjoyable. Here are some benefits that can be obtained a person with a smile:

1. A smile makes a person more attractive, Unconsciously smile can make people more attractive because there is a certain attraction factor and make someone look better than a frown, scowl or grimace.

2. A smile can change the mood, Smiling can trick the body so that helps a person's mood changed for the better. For that if you feel sad, try to smile.

3. A smile can be contagious, Smiling not only change the mood of the person but also the people around him, and make things happier. This is because a smile can be contagious and bring happiness to others.

4. A smile can relieve stress, People who are stressed can be seen from his face, but with a smile can prevent a person look tired and exhausted. If you're stressed, try to take the time to smile, because it can reduce stress, so better able to take action.

5. A smile increases your immune system, Smiling helps the immune system to work better. When someone smiled then increased immune function that makes a person feel more relaxed and protected from diseases such as flu and colds.

6. A smile lowers blood pressure, When smiling then there is impairment of blood pressure measured. Try to measure blood pressure while sitting at home while reading, then smiled for a minute and blood pressure measured again, it will show the difference.

7. A smile can release endorphins, painkillers and serotonin, Studies have shown a smile can release endorphins, compounds that can reduce pain naturally and serotonin. All three can make people feel better and become a natural medicine.

8. Crease a smile on the face can make people look younger, The muscles used to smile lift the face so it can help make people look younger. Therefore try to smile more often which makes feel younger and better.

9. Smiling can make people seem to be successful people who smile will look more confident, so much promoted, but it pairs smile at each meeting will have a different reaction.

10. A smile can help people stay positive, A smile will make people more positive and reduce negative thoughts. 


Up until now is still a puzzle as to why someone has cancer, others are not. They already know, cancer can be caused by many factors, and evolving in many years.

Research proves that that several factors can increase a person's risk of getting cancer. Fortunately most of the risk factors that can be avoided, controlled, and controlled, by choosing the right lifestyle.

Here are the factors most likely to cause cancer. Other factors are still a lot, unfortunately not yet possible to be explained it all here.


Most cancer strikes people aged over 60 years. But not a few people who were much younger, even children under the age of five, who also had cancer.

Smoke cigarettes / tobacco smokers who inhaled either active or passive smoking can cause lung cancer, cancer of the vocal cords, cancer of the mouth, throat, kidney, bladder, esophagus, stomach, pancreas, leukemia, and cervix. Not just the smoke, often smelling of tobacco can cause cancer, and chew / suck it (eg in the form of fringe-Jw) can cause oral cancer.

Morning sun is good for health. But the afternoon sun, which contains ultraviolet, can cause skin cancer. Use an umbrella, hat, and clothes that cover your body as much as possible to protect themselves from ultraviolet rays. Skin that is not protected, should be smeared with sunscreen containing sun protection factor (SPF) of at least 15.
Ultraviolet rays can penetrate glass, thin clothes, can also be reflected by sand, water, snow, and ice. Keep in mind, that the ultraviolet lamps are sold in stores can also cause cancer, you know.

Chemical Substances:
Many chemicals are added in the food / beverage modern can lead to cancer, for example preservatives, artificial coloring, artificial sweeteners, artificial flavorings. In fact, almost all food / beverage production factory or sold in the shop / restaurant contain additional substances.
But the food prepared at home was not necessarily free of cancer risk. Since most vegetables and fruits grown by relying on artificial fertilizers and pesticides. Foods that are grilled, baked, or fried in cooking oil also has the potential to cause cancer. So is water polluted by detergents and other chemical wastes (although it has been cleared up).
Substances other cancer-causing chemicals can enter the human body through air, such as benzene, asbestos, cadmium, nickel, vinyl chloride, and so on.

Viral and Bacterial Infections: 

Some types of viruses and bacteria can increase the risk of cancer, among others:
Human papilloma virus (HPV), a major cause of cervical cancer and may increase the risk of other types of cancer. Hepatitis B virus and hepatitis C can lead to liver cancer. Virus human T-cell leukemia / lymphoma (HTLV-1) increases the risk of lymphoma and leukemia. Human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) which causes AIDS is known as this increases the risk of lymphoma and Kaposi's sarcoma.

Epstein-Barr virus increases the risk of contracting lymphoma. Human herpes virus 8 (HHV8) may cause Kaposi's sarcoma. Helicobacter pylori causes gastric and intestinal injury can also cause cancer along the digestive tract.

To reduce the possibility of contracting the virus / bacteria, avoid sexual promiscuity, also do not exchange toothbrushes, needles, combs, cutlery, etc..

Diet, Obesity, and Lack of Motion:
Too much consumption of red meat and salt can increase the risk of colon cancer, rectum, and other cancers in the abdominal area. Instead consume lots of vegetables and fruits may reduce the risk of cancer along the digestive tract.
Obesity and inactivity can lead to breast cancer, endometrial, kidney, colon, and esophagus. To prevent this, daily exercise for at least 30 minutes.

Consumption of alcohol can lead to cancer of the mouth, throat, esophagus, vocal cords, liver, and breast. But once in a while to eat the tape, it does not matter really.

Excessive estrogen hormones in the body can increase the likelihood of contracting uterine cancer and breast cancer. Being hormone progesterone can prevent endometrial cancer, but increases the risk of breast cancer. Both types of hormones are widely used as ingredients of birth control pills or hormone replacement therapy in postmenopausal women. Long-term use can reduce the risk of uterine cancer and endometrium, but increases the risk of breast cancer and liver cancer.

Family History:
Trigger factors above will cause cancer if you managed to create a gene in the cell nucleus is changed (mutated). If the immune system is unable to repair or destroy these mutated genes, these genes make normal cells turn into malignant cells, which in turn develop into cancer.
Sometimes the nature of the gene is then passed down to children, which makes the child has an abnormal gene. Notwithstanding the abnormal gene will not necessarily develop into cancer, because it still depends on the presence or absence of other triggers and least powerful body resistance. Moreover, not all types of inherited cancer. Only certain types of cancer who have inherited tendencies, ie, melanoma (skin cancer), breast, uterus, prostate, and colon.

Reduce saturated fats, especially fats found in red meat have long been regarded as the most effective anti-cholesterol tips. In fact, diet is full of unsaturated fat is much more effective for lowering cholesterol.

In a study in Canada and involved 351 participants who have high cholesterol levels are known someone who adheres to a diet rich in saturated fats are not successful in reducing cholesterol by 13 percent within six months. Meanwhile, people who consume low-fat diet alone only decreased cholesterol by 3 percent.

Cholesterol-lowering diet that consists of unsaturated fats, among others, use olive oil instead of butter, margarine enriched with plant sterols, avocado, oatmeal, soybeans, nuts such as almonds, hazelnuts, walnuts, pistachios, and so on.

Meanwhile, a group that has a diet high in fiber and Cereal intact cholesterol-lowering benefit is only 3 percent.

In that study did not apply the settings of calories but in general the two groups have a weight loss of almost the same, between 1.2 to 1.7 kilograms in six months.

Foods that contain saturated fats known to increase the LDL or bad cholesterol and total cholesterol. Conversely, eating saturated fat is not a good type of fat or cholesterol levels will go down faster.

Following a few simple rules as laid out in our Healthy Heart Diet section can significantly decrease your chances of developing heart disease. A brief summary follows:

A. Limit intake of trans fats and hydrogenated oils found in margarine, fast food, fried food, etc.
B. Limit refined sugar intake from cakes, cookies, candy, etc.
C. Use extra virgin olive oil and garlic in cooking - they can lower cholesterol
D. Add Omega 3 Fatty Acids to your diet - the best source is Fish Oil

Developing a steady exercise program as described in our Exercise for Healthy Heart section can also lower your risk of heart disease. A few quick tips:

A. Try to exercise 3-4 times per week, for at least a half hour at a time.
B. Keep your routine going, and start off slow.
C. Always stretch before and after training.
D. Keep yourself hydrated and rest between sets.

In addition to following a healthy diet and exercise regimen, you should also try to do the following:

A. Stop smoking and avoid second hand smoke - both are major causes of heart disease.
B. Limit your intake of alcohol - excessive alcohol can deplete your body's supply of vitamins and other nutrients.
C. Try to reduce stress and anxiety - they can lead to high blood pressure and other health conditions.
D. Keep your weight within recommended limits - obesity is a leading cause of heart disease.

Make sure you get tested for increased cholesterol, triglycerides(fat), homocysteine and C Reactive Protein levels, and follow the protocols if any one of these indicators is elevated:

A. If your cholesterol is high, you can lower cholesterol naturally with policosanol, guggulipid and other herbal extracts as well as Fish Oil. Remember, only 20% of your cholesterol comes from what you eat, the other 80% is manufactured by your liver. Read more about lowering cholesterol

B. If your triglyceride (fat) levels are too high, lower your carbohydrate and sugar intake. Also, fish oil, Vitamin C, guggulipid and green tea are safe natural ways to lower triglyceride levels. Read more about lowering triglycerides

C. If your homocysteine levels are high, you can easily normalize the situation by including B Vitamins in your diet, particularly Folic Acid, Vitamin B6 and Vitamin B12. Read more about lowering homocysteine

D. If your C Reactive Protein levels are high, this indicates inflammation in the blood. Fish oil, ginger and MSM will help decrease inflammation naturally. Read more about lowering C Reactive Protein 

Source: Healthy Heart Guide online

In order to maintain your heart health, it is important to follow a healthy heart diet. There are many different foods that you should avoid or limit, and still other foods and nutrients that you should try to include as much as possible.

Changing your eating habits can significantly lower your chances of developing heart disease.

What should you avoid or decrease intake of to lower risk of heart disease?
You should try to stay away from the trans fats and hydrogenated oils found in processed and refined foods. Margarines and spreads have trans fats, as do fried and fast foods. Trans fats and hydrogenated oils are chemically altered, and as such the body is not able to process them and they can be dangerous.

Also, try to reduce your sugar intake from snacks, cakes, candy bars, etc. as these sugars eventually become fat buildup in the body. Also, try to keep your carbohydrate intake at a minimum (pasta, potatoes, breads) as excess carbohydrates stimulate the production of triglycerides (fat) which are one of the four indicators of heart disease.

What should I add to my diet to keep my heart and cardiovascular system in healthy working order?
A heart health diet should include fiber, fruits and vegetables. Green, leafy vegetables and Vitamin C rich fruits are the best, as they can protect you against heart disease with their antioxidant abilities.

Healthy heart recipes should include extra virgin olive oil and garlic - both have been shown to reduce LDL (bad) cholesterol levels.

Add Omega 3 fatty acids to your diet, especially DHA and EPA found in fish oil. These two important Omega 3 fatty acids are the most therapeutic, and can significantly decrease bad cholesterol(LDL) as well as raise good cholesterol(HDL).

Can I get all of these healthy heart nutrients from my diet?
Unfortunately with today's processing methods, most of the important nutrients in the foods we eat are depleted or removed altogether. So unless you follow a strict healthy heart diet of organic foods harvested in the finest environments which are delivered fresh to your door daily (we didn't think so), it makes sense to supplement all of the important nutrients your body needs to function properly. You can read more about these nutrients

Source: Healthy Heart Guide online