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When it comes to fatigue, difficulty concentrating, and no desire to complete the activities that must be resolved, you need to be vigilant. It could be an early symptom of dehydration, namely the lack of body fluids. Mild dehydration can affect performance, cognitive ability, and mood.

Research conducted expert hydration and kinesiology University of Connecticut, United States, Lawrence E Armstrong, and neurokognisi experts from the Institute of Environmental Medicine, U.S. Army Research Center in Natick, Massachusetts, Harris R Lieberman, last year, showed mild dehydration can reduce the ability to think , concentrating, ability to remember, to stimulate the emotions that interfere with mood (mood).
Lecturer Department of Nutritional Sciences Faculty of Medicine, University of Indonesia and member of the Indonesian Medical Association Physician Nutrition, Saptawati Bardosono, some time ago, revealed the effects of dehydration on cognitive performance and mood are more prone to women than men.

When the body fluids is reduced 1.3 percent, cognitive and mood disorders have occurred in women. In this condition, women became more tired, irritable, confusion, drowsiness, loss of concentration, dizziness, and difficulty in completing the task.

For men, the disorder appears when the lack of body fluids reached 1.5 percent.

"Women are more susceptible to dehydration because it has a higher fat composition than men. The men have a higher muscle composition. In addition, the water component in women is lower and there are hormonal factors that make them more sensitive to lack of fluids, "says clinical nutrition specialist and a professor of the Department of Nutritional Sciences Faculty of medicine, Luciana B Sutanto.

The percentage dehydration rate equal to the percentage weight loss. Dehydration of 1 percent is comparable with a small run on the treadmill for 40 minutes. The dehydration of 2 percent is comparable with 2 x 40 minute jog on the treadmill, and so on.

Decreased levels of concentration and mood disturbance also appears in those who fasted for 23 hours drinking. Lack of body fluids also cause excessive anxiety and declining morale move.

Signs of dehydration

Saptawati say, the most easy to recognize the signs of mild to moderate dehydration are dry mouth and sticky, dry eyes, muscle weakness, headache, and dizziness or glare when viewing rays.

It can also be seen from the number and color of urine is expelled. The less urine is removed, the higher the potential for dehydration. The more intense yellow color of urine is issued, without the consumption of drugs or certain foods, then the lack of fluid is getting worse.

Symptoms of severe dehydration indicated by severe thirst, very sleepy and confused, the body does not sweat, dry skin and its elasticity is reduced. Other signs are sunken eyes, body chills, low blood pressure, rapid pulse, until loss of consciousness.

The greater the degree of dehydration, the more fatal implications, can even be deadly.
"Worse, a third person was experiencing misinterpret thirst as hunger," said Saptawati. When you feel dizzy, people tend to look for food, not drink immediately.

The role of water

Water is a substance that is essential for the body because 70 percent of our body is water. Functions of water in the body is as a regulator of body temperature, moisten the mouth, eyes and nose, lubricating joints, and protects organs and tissues.

The presence of water helped to relieve the workload of the kidneys and liver by dissolving the remnants of metabolism, prevent constipation or difficult bowel movements, helps dissolve minerals and nutrients that the body can be utilized and bring nutrients and oxygen to the cells.

Lack of fluid intake implies an increased risk of various diseases, such as kidney stones and urinary tract infections, cancer of the colon and urinary tract, obesity in children and adolescents, high blood pressure (hypertension), blockage of veins, up to coronary heart disease.

Luciana said, oozing from the body can occur with the unconscious, such as through urine and feces, or unconsciously through the breath and sweat. The average amount of water released adult humans as much as 2200-2700 milliliter (ml). The largest number came from 1200-1500 ml of urine and sweat as much as 500-600 ml.

The amount of water that comes out of the body is strongly influenced by age, gender, body surface area, temperature and humidity environment, physical activity or exercise, as well as one's illness.

Water requirements are highest in the age group 25-55 years, reaching 35 ml per kilogram of body weight. That is, someone who was 30 years old and weigh 60 kilograms, then the water needs per day reached 2100 ml or the equivalent of 8-10 glasses of starfruit.

Their greater weight, higher than the water in the lean. For those who are younger or older than 55 years, needs less water.

Water intake can be obtained through the drinks and food, especially the fibrous and watery. Actually the body's metabolism also produces water, but the amount is very small, 11-14 percent of total water demand. This deficiency should be supplied from the drinks and food

2 komentar

  1. Unknown Says:
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  3. Unknown Says:
  4. As the major cause for dehydration is lose of water from body therefore everyone should drink lots of water so as to keep away ourselves from the problem of dehydration as this blog have explained.Dehydration Symptom


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