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The content of cigarettes can be determined in two ways, directly examine cigarette, or check out the smoke. Cigarette smoke itself there are two types: Smoke coming out of the burning at the tip of the cigarette and the smoke is inhaled by the smoker through the suction tip cigarettes (either a filter or not). The following discussion only on the substances contained in cigarette smoke alone (without looking at the end where the smoke).

There is conclusive evidence that the tar contained in tobacco smoke can cause lung cancer; main factor is the age when individuals begin to smoke, depth of suction and the number of cigarettes consumed per day. Polonium, a radioactive element, is also known to be present in cigarette smoke; more than 100 compounds have been found, including nicotine, cresol, carbon monoxide, pyridene and benzopyrene, which latter is a carcinogen (causes cancer).

Molecular formula NH 3. Commonly used for fertilizer and the plant fibers and plastic intermediaries. Has been known since antiquity. At standard temperature and pressure, NH 3 is a colorless gas with the smell when it is in small concentrations. In large concentrations, is able to produce a sensation when inhaled.


As a chemical compound with the symbol. Atomic number 33. Sublimes unchanged when heated and the air is dry, but the oxide film formed in moist air. When heated at a temperature of 180 degrees Celsius in air to form arsenic trioxide garlic-smelling and toxic.


Molecular formula C4H10. Is one type of acyclic saturated hydrocarbons. Low toxicity.


Chemical element with the symbol Cd and atomic number 48. Always associated with zinc, although only prepare the crust 0:15 ppm in sequence to 57. Have toxic properties, especially in the form of powder and chunks. Its main benefit is to strengthen the resistance against corrosion.

Carbon monoxide: 

Molecular formula CO, is a type of carbon oxides. Is an inorganic carbon compounds. Is the result of incomplete combustion because it only contains one atom of oxygen. Found in exhaust fumes. Odorless and colorless but very poisonous. Affinity of blood hemoglobin 300 times more powerful than oxygen so that exposure to this gas can reduce or completely eliminate the ability of hemoglobin to transport oxygen around the body, causing death when in high concentrations.

Hydrogen Cyanide: 

Chemical formula HCN. Highly toxic. Is the result of the reaction of ammonia, methane, oxygen and nitrogen.


Other names methyl alcohol. Chemical formula CH3OH. When burned, methanol has a transparent blue smoke with fire. The biggest influence on the mucous membranes. In the body, this product is formed by oxidation with formaldehyde and formik acid, both toxic.


This compound is a derivative of coal tar. It is the product of distillation of crude tar into oil chemistry. Giving a chemical solution to the oil producing caustik oil layer. Oil layer is then given an acid solution so that a layer of neutral oil. Layer of neutral oil in the distillation and then the end product is naphthalene.


Chemical formula C6H5OH, another name carbolic acid, acid fenilik, benzofenol or hidroksibenzena. Is the simplest aromatic hydroxy compounds. Phenol is also the most important petrochemicals. Usually used for coating the plywood. It has a distinctive odor and sharp burning sensations. Toxic if inhaled, ingested or absorbed by the skin. He also lead to irritation. If there is a solution of a very weak, it will taste sweet.

Polonium - 210: 

Polonium isotopes of chemical elements. Polonium is the most stable isotopes of radioactive uranium in the series with a half (half-life) 138.4 days. Occur naturally only as a result of decay of thorium and uranium.


Chemical formula C7H8. General produced jointly with gasoline, xylena, and C9 aromatics through the formation of C6-C9 reset catalytic naphtha.


Its chemical formula is CO (NH2) OC2H5, also called ethyl ethyl carbamate or urethane. Formed by heating of ethanol and urea nitrate at a temperature of 120-130 degrees Celsius, or because the action of ammonia on ethyl carbonate or ethyl chloroformate.

Vinyl chloride: 

The chemical formula CH2 = CHCl. Greatest influence on human skin that can cause Raynaud's syndrome, bone lysis in the distal finger and dermatitis fibrous. Inhalation of gaseous vinyl chloride over many years can cause a rare type of liver cancer, angiosarcoma. Vinyl chloride is used as a base for the manufacture of PVC plastic.

Reference:Van Nostrand's Encyclopedia of Science

2 komentar

  1. Unknown Says:
  2. Thanks for your information i enjoyed while reading. Check my also thanks

  3. Unknown Says:
  4. Cigarettes should be illegal because they kill people.


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