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 It's hard to be a woman yes. To obtain a permanent healthy skin (acne free, supple, and firm), you must perform a series of treatments every day. From the most simple, like cleaning your face before bed, to eat foods rich in antioxidants.
However, some of these treatments will still be useless if you do not ignore the bad habits that could actually damage the health of your skin. You may not realize it, but Dr. Dennis Gross, an expert in dermatology, revealed five bad habits.
1. Glasses or contact lenses that have expired. Activities that can make your eyes squint, like reading or working in rooms with poor lighting or not renew a contact lens, it can cause lines or wrinkles around the eyes. A time to yourself to check the eyes again (plus the search for new, more fashionable frames) and buy new contact lenses. Find colored contact lenses if you also want to look makeover.
2. Sauna. After the massage session, your body will definitely feel more refreshed when we end up with detoxification in the evaporation chamber. However, Dr. Gross recommends that you limit exposure to vapors is because the extra heat could decipher elastin and collagen in the skin.
3. Running (or exercise other types of high-impact). "The exercise of this kind can indeed be heart healthy, but also can cause the entire fat pad, whereas collagen and elastin were divided. If you really like running, try (replace with) run," advises Dr. Gross.
4. Lack of sleep. Not new news if lack of sleep can cause dark circles under the eyes. However, the chronic lack of sleep can cause long term skin problems. "Lack of sleep can also make the stress that causes our bodies-including skin-generating free radicals," says Dr. Gross. The more free radicals, you also look so get older.
5. Tap water. The use of chlorine is necessary for the process of eliminating germs in tap water. The content of chlorine in tap water was not only harmful when consumed as drinking water. Contiguity with chlorine while bathing the skin can also peel the skin of natural oils, causing skin dryness and irritation.

After examining the cell biology work together for 7 years, Kiehl's, a manufacturer of pharmaceutical-based cosmetics from America, and Harvard Medical School (HMS), found other effects of vitamin C, which makes the skin more beautiful.

Kiehl's along a row of well-known dermatologist and skin expert, developed a new skin care formula that is believed to reduce the effects of aging, especially wrinkles and dull colors on the face. This formula was given the name of Dermatologists Solution Powerful-Strength Line-Reducing Concentrate.

Formula consisting of pure vitamin C concentration in high numbers, 10.5 percent, if applied to the skin, is believed to help improve skin texture, skin color, and restore elasticity of the wrinkles that exist on the lines of facial expression.

According to the researchers, pure vitamin C in a highly concentrated form that is in a stable and high doses can rejuvenate facial skin. Mixture of vitamins C and glycerin is promising the ability to give effect to the progressive and significant to reduce the depth of wrinkles around the mouth (laugh lines), wrinkles around the eyes (crow's feet), and other areas of the face, as well as add the good skin texture, color, and suppleness. Simply applied in the morning and evening, before moisturizer, for beginners, it will feel slightly warm sensation that supposedly means the concentrate was reacting.

With increasing age, the skin will become dry and less elastic. Frequent exposure to sunlight, weather and environmental toxins, especially cigarette smoke, will accelerate the aging process. Especially sun exposure in uneven pigmentation, can lead to differences in skin texture and wrinkles.
Remarkable changes in the changing facial appearance can be obtained by improving the skin to look more youthful. A good combination of different procedures will help in the fight against wrinkles and fine lines. Here are some ways that you can possibly do to get a tight facial skin:
1. Moisturizer.
Usage of moisturizer on a regular basis to help the aging of the skin so it looks better. Highly recommended to use tap water and do not use soap when you want to clean your face every day. You can also try using alpha-hydroxy creams that contain vitamin A and B. This cream helps the skin renew and also keep the skin moist.
2. Anti-aging creams.
Anti-aging creams are often used to ward off premature aging because they contain antioxidants, vitamin C, alpha hydroxyl acids, polypeptides and various plant extracts. But any results received by each person generally will vary, depending on the condition of the person.
3. Skin Resurfacing.
Skin Resurfacing is a technique using laser peels. Laser resurfacing is currently a new medication to treat wrinkles and other skin irregularities such as blemishes or acne scars. On the other hand, without laser resurfacing is used to remove the entire epidermis and the epidermis. This technique is intended to soften the skin, eliminating fine wrinkles, even pigmentation can remove and replace the damaged epidermis.
4. Peeling.
Peeling is a procedure that is used to prevent pigmentation and to improve skin texture. This method is also believed to reduce fine lines and wrinkles static.
5. Implantation
Implantation is another technique used to remove wrinkles on the face that can be done by replacing or transplanting it from other skin tissues.
6. Cosmetic Surgery
Plastic surgery may be your last choice. However, this procedure is very complicated, because it involves repositioning facial tissues (rhytidectomy) and change the network structure sagging.
Not forever to prevent premature aging should end up in the operating room which will surely spend a lot of money. Prevents premature aging can actually be controlled by a healthy lifestyle and eating nutritious meals.
Drink plenty of water will prevent your skin from the dryness that can cause skin wrinkles. Exercising regularly is at least one hour each day to activate blood circulation. Getting enough sleep and protect your skin from sun exposure and harsh weather. And last but not least is cleaning the face of cosmetics before going to bed.

So far, more stress is seen as a trigger for a variety of chronic diseases such as hypertension or migraine. Whereas the first body part affected is the skin stress. The skin is an organ that is very busy with the direct and indirect connection with the brain.
When we're marasa anxiety or fatigue, the hypothalamus sends a signal to the pituitary gland are forwarded to the adrenal glands. Then these glands produce cortisol, a stress hormone.
Once cortisol is pumped into the system of the body, all organs of the body will accept it and there was inflammation (inflammation) as a reaction to stress. This inflammation will produce antioxidants that destroy the cells.
Inflammation that occurs while it helps fight disease, but if it lasts continuously (chronic) the body will suffer the consequences, including the incidence of diseases such as asthma, diabetes, or heart disease.
What to do with skin? The emotional factor was a big influence on the occurrence of premature aging. As we pore is inflamed, it will become solid and swollen and easily clogged. Then when the collagen becomes inflamed, broken structure so as to accelerate the onset of wrinkles.
Acne, wrinkles, dry skin or skin rash is actually an indicator of what is happening under the skin. But we are more likely to blame external influences such as dust, brown, or terganggungnya weather as a cause of skin conditions.
A study revealed that adolescents experienced acne during exam season, 23 percent more severe than any other time. Acne condition was not known to be caused by excess oil gland production but because of inflammation in the body.
Given the close connection between the skin with the emotional factor is not reduced then to beauty, skin care should be balanced with the emotional care to control stress. Prepare yourself to deal with stress and take a pause for the body and mind to relax.

Posture will be formed according to the way you treat your body, whether it be in a condition to sit, stand, walk, or sleep. Determining the proper posture is very important because it will reduce the strain on muscles and tendons of the body due to a bent posture.
Who are used to improve posture bent not only improve the quality of your appearance, but also good for health. For example, prevent stiff muscles or tendons are twisted to reduce the risk of arthritis or inflammation of the joints and also reduce the workload of the bone.
To avoid a wrong posture, familiarize you treat your body like this:
1. When standing, pull your shoulders back and your head up. Do not bent or wrinkled her shoulder.
2. Join a yoga class. Some positions or movements of yoga will increase flexibility and improve muscle strength and body position.
3. Sit up straight without leaning. Pull the shoulders back, hold your back, and place your buttocks position on the corner seat. Place the feet touch the floor with the heel to form a 90 degree curve.
4. Adjust the position or the curve of your back while sleeping. Use a mattress, do not use a cotton mattress that will make your spine arched backwards.
5. Do not bend the waist when lifting heavy objects.
6. Keep the activity. Do not do activities that cause back pain. Weight loss is too extreme can also cause brittle bones. Food consumption of calcium and vitamin D for bones to absorb calcium optimally.
Tips and warnings:* Change your sitting position every 30 minutes. Do not sit in the same position for hours. Walk around for a while to avoid leg cramps.* Adjust your chair so your knees higher than hips.* Sleep using a curved mat will cause stiffness and tension in the neck and whiplash.* Sit in the chair of the curve will make back pain.

Your face has begun to reveal fine wrinkles on the forehead, exposure to sunlight makes your face red like acne scars, sagging skin began to pull down the corner of your eye. Hm ... here it is, the signs of aging. So that your face will be free from premature aging, improve the way you treat the skin, how to eat, and your lifestyle.
1. Wash your face before bed. Sometimes we have been very sleepy and lazy to wash the face. If you sleep with your makeup on the face, the actual make-up can make the skin irritated, clogged pores and dirt covered face. Finally, the skin is prone skin. Wash your face with lather and massage for 10-15 minutes. Clean your face at least 2 times a day. This method can reduce the excess oil on the face, as well as preventing wrinkles and dryness in the face.
2. Protect your face from UV rays. We who live in tropical areas should ideally use a cream with sun protection between SPF 20 and 30. Use every day, if you want to get younger skin. Every 10 minutes, exposure to sunlight (UVA) can make us dull face, wrinkles more easily, and add black spots within 12 weeks. If you do not reach the facial moisturizer SPF 30, then make sure to use sun block that has the formulas anti-UVA and UVB.
3. Control stress. If you type an emotional, should control your emotions from now. Because they are not trying to control his emotions tend to have skin look 5 years older than actual age.
Amy Wechsler, MD, a dermatologist who is also the author of The Mind Beauty Connection, says that the feeling of anger and overwhelming can increase the hormone cortisol which causes swelling and decreased collagen. The skin also decreased its malleability, and then arise redness and pimples on the face. To block the swelling, use foods that contain high antioxidants, such as oranges and asparagus.
4. Use of vitamin A (retinoids). Research shows that vitamin A could improve the growth of collagen which makes the face remained resilient, growing new skin cells, and eliminate fine lines and dark spots. Use a scrub that contains vitamin A to remove layers of dead skin before bedtime, 3 times a week. See the difference 3 months later.
5. Make a habit of regular skin care. Each facial treatment process will not provide instant results. Maximum results can only be seen 6-12 months later. If we use a product regularly, so be sure not to overdo it. Skin can also become resistant to various treatments that are too frequent.
6. Eating a diet rich in omega-3. Omega-3 is a good fat contained in foods such as salmon, seaweed, and nuts. Consumption of foods rich in omega-3 will make the skin supple and toned.
7. Exercise or exercise regularly. Various studies suggest that women who diligently exercise have a more toned skin than those who seldom exercise. The reason, the exercise will help the skin to get a new oxygen turnover and helps the production of collagen. Do exercise at least 30 minutes per week to get healthy skin and body.

Posture also determine the appearance of perfection. Those who have poor posture, due to the habit of standing, sitting, lifting shoulders or wear high heels, often complain of pain in the limbs or spine.
To fix this, you should begin to have the correct posture and muscle strengthening exercises. Here are some ways you can do to correct bad posture.
1. Berkacalah The first step is knowing posture that you have. You can do it with a mirror on a mirror or ask a friend take your photo from the side. If it turns out your shoulders slightly stooped, try to stand up straight. Pull your abdominal muscles and buttocks in and lift the chin.
2. When you sit with a straight-workers who spend much time behind the desk, get used to sitting with his back against the chair with both feet flat on the floor. Keep the head up and eyes focused forward. This means your computer screen is not too high or low. Make sure your thighs parallel to the floor and the head does not protrude forward.
3. Replace your shoes High heels (high heels) did look pretty in the leg, but not for your posture. Avoid wearing high heels too often and long. Health experts continue to warn the dangers of using high heels in the long run for the joints. Shoes are recommended for use in a long time are those that have soft pads, not too narrow and have the right no more than three centimeters.
4. In addition to doing the right exercises to improve posture, strengthening exercises the muscles of the abdomen, neck, buttocks, and back is necessary. Join a fitness class. If necessary consult your posture problems in the therapist or doctor to choose the most appropriate type of exercise.
5. Continue practicing Always remember to practice proper posture by always consider how to sit and stand. To imagine the correct posture, stand with your ear lobe to imagine being in a straight line to the instep area. To motivate yourself, post text on a computer screen or your car to remind you of the correct body postur.