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The number of heartbeats that occur in 1 minute can tell a lot about health. It turns out that low levels of heart rate in the morning indicates good health.

The heart rate may show signs of health, including heart function, the presence of infection and overall fitness level. Yet this rate is influenced by conditions during exercise and rest, age, prescribed medications and body position.

Heart rate during the morning also known as the resting heart rate. American Heart Association tells us that the heart rate before getting out of bed after sleeping at night on average 60-80 times per minute.

People who are physically healthy tend to have lower heart rate at rest compared with people who are physically unhealthy as too fat or thin.

Low levels of heart rate in the morning indicates good health and optimal efficiency of heart function, as quoted from Livestrong, Thursday (11/24/2011).

Someone who has a heart rate exceeding 100 in the morning is likely to have a condition known as tachycardia that can lead to increased risk of stroke or heart attack and sudden death.

Whereas if the heart beats too low or are under 60 then bradycardia that is likely to experience serious problems in which the heart does not pump enough oxygen-rich blood.

To measure heart rate could be by measuring the pulse at the bottom of the wrist (or can be beat in the neck, the back of the knee or near the groin) for 10 seconds and then multiply by 6. Multiplication results showed no heartbeat.

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